Monday, November 10, 2008

Fun Weekend

Tracy made the visit to Murrieta for a long weekend and it was good to finally be back together again after being apart 5 weeks. Now we look forward to Thanksgiving when I come home for five days.

Finally, after much delay and indecision, we bought a couch and ottoman for the apartment at Ashley Furniture. I'd describe it for you, but I'd rather you visit and tell us what you think in person.

Other than that, we took it easy and went to La Jolla beach on Saturday for a walk and to watch the sunset. It was 80 degrees and it turned out to be significantly warmer than Sunday.

On Sunday, we visited Derek and watched the Vikes eek out a W against the Pack. Finally, Childress! We also hit up this sketchy corner mexican stand / restaurant for lunch and it turned out to be really good. The best thing was it cost us $11 for two full meals. Not bad.

I'm still looking in to getting cable and Internet at the apartment ... shooting for next week. Until then, I'll be sporadic with my posts.