Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Shiny Shoes

Leave it to the professionals. One of the shoe shiners at the airport said my shoes could use a shining when I walked by, and the sad thing is I agreed. I've been putting off shining my shoes myself, so I decided to sit high on the shoe shining perch and get my shoes looking respectable again. I'd say it's the best $6 ever spent ... with a $2 tip.

It's a little weird sitting up high watching people stare at you as you get your shoes shined, but it's kind of cool too. I swear I could see my reflection in these puppies right now! There's something to having a pro shine your shoes that seems kind of old school. Maybe my next stop will be a professional barber to shave my face with the old hand blade. Well, maybe my first step should be trying to grow some real facial hair. Take it in strides I guess.

35 minutes until I take off on Sun Country direct to MSP's Hubert. I hope Petter didn't steal some of the materials off this plane during all his swindling. Sun Country does charge $15 to check a bag. I'll only assume all the baggage funds collected go straight to an off-shore bank account. See, it's fun to assume.

See all of you this Christmas and New Year's. And, if I don't, escape the frozen tundra and take an affordable trip to visit TRACY and I during the New Year. That's right, she's moving in with me and we are driving to SoCal in the Jetta. I think our lives are about to change drastically living together, but nothing surprises me. Maybe it will be the same?

Now, I'm asking you, give us your best piece of advice of what you've learned once you moved in with your significant other. Hopefully this gets entertaining.

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