Thursday, January 8, 2009

Earthquake Round 2

Tracy just experienced her first earthquake minutes ago. For me it's my second in just three months. We will have to watch the news tonight to see what magnitude it registered was a 5.0 magnitude. It was fairly small, but it had enough pop to tip over Dan and Miranda...the picture frame. Maybe we will secure a few of the items a little better as we finish setting up the apartment.

It seems like quake activity has picked up recently. We are overdue for at least a 6 magnitude soon. I wouldn't be surprised if a 7 or better rips off while we are here!

The last quake had more rumble to it. This one was more of a pop with one light rumble and a hard jolt. This was .9 larger than the last one, which is a pretty significant size difference. See my last earthquake post to understand just how much magnitude differences impact overall fell. Got to love living close to the fault line!

We will keep you posted with a detailed update on the apartment tomorrow.


Zone3 said...


Zone3 said...

Your Mom used to call them "Earth Quakes" also!

Vebe Visual said...

I feel like I should be grossed out by that comment but I'm not sure yet. Good to know who you finally are!

Unknown said...

glad to hear you two made it through the earth quakes. hopefuly they don't get any larger. keep up the writing. love to here about life in cali. peace out