Saturday, April 11, 2009

Verbal Powersurge

Tracy's family Laura and Tim are here. Let the verbal diarrhea begin. Between me and Tim, there's a lot of smart-assed comments. Let's see if Tracy and Laura can handle it for five days. Today we are off to wine tasting, again. Tim is a little too excited about it, so we are starting to question his manhood.

Sunday we're going to the Padres matinee game against the Giants. Should be fun. I bought a roast so we'll slow cook it starting in the morning and it will be ready for Easter dinner when we get home. Tracy loves her boiled eggs on Easter, so we are going to do that too. Tim will probably partake in the Easter egg hunt at Petco on Sunday. Kids can bring their pillowcases and hunt for eggs at the park. Tim definitely qualifies for that.

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